Monday, April 29, 2013

Creating a Personal Learning Network (PLN)

Before anything else, you might be asking yourself... What exactly is a PLN? And what is the connection as well as purpose of the poem above? Well, let's begin taking a first step.... 

A PLN is "a great way for educator to get connected with learning opportunities, access professional development resources, and to build camaraderie with other education professionals"; or in other words, it is an organized way of classifying hobbies and activities one loves and make those academic. This "page" of one's development to success, helps people, who are still not sure of what wanting in college, have an idea of what makes them happy and keep moving in life - what incentivize them. Even though the choosing part is a section quite hard, when chosen one gets inspired and create a presentation for that subject or activity that one loves, just like in the picture above.

For example, I choose four activities and subjects that I really have passion for: 
  1. Soccer
  2. Psychology
  3. Music
  4. Photography
In each of them, I created an online page within my ePortfolio and presented personal and well as exterior perspectives and experiences of that such event; although for each one of them, I used different tools, since each of the areas inspired me differently. In addition, I made those that apparently don't seem academic, as one.

The greatest feeling in the world is when your on that soccer field, and you know that your team is going to succeed because you look around and see your 10 best friends playing beside you. 

I used this quote to express the emotions felt in a soccer field, showing how soccer is my passion. This page (Soccer) in specific was one of the most value for me, since it inspired me, after looking at the diverge experiences I went through. It was that something that marked your life. In order to express that emotions, I used many tools such as, videos, and pictures, as well as the creation of a stop motion.

The other sections were super well- constructed as well, since they were topics, agains, that I had passion for... This directly relates to the Psychology page, since my teacher and I have been discussing for days the following specific topic: Do citizens have free will? I then, site analogies made by Sam Harris, a well known atheist, and Jawaharlal Nehru.

Some other passions, include playing the piano (Music page) and taking pictures (Photography page) and they each were shown differently through the ePortfolio.

Using tools, activities people have an approach on, and one's environment, will make one's pathway clearer and engage learning, even though those activities do not seem academic at first glance.


Check this YouTube video for some tips, when starting to brainstorm a PLN:

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