Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Global World

What is globalization?

There are many different definitions that describe the term "globalization". According to the Business Dictionary, globalization is the "worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration (...) [it] implies the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependet world with free transfer of capital, goods, and services across national fronteirs."

As described, the world becomes a much more integrated and interconnected "nation": as if it where one single nation. Until what point does this interconnectiveness become something that negatively affect people's lives and environment? Well, there are many different responses to this world status quo we are living in and passing through now:

The movie Into the Wild, by Sean Penn, narrates Alex Supertramp's experience with the world's global integration and urbanization's negative aspects, since the protagonist seeks peace and freedom - aspects which he think are not present in this "new status quo". What people expect of you is not what makes one's life full of freedom and happiness... Supertramp says that in order to live happily, nature and wilderness are needed. 

"I read somewhere... how important it is in life nor necessarily to be strong... but to feel strong" (Supertramp). 
"I'm going to paraphrase Thoreau here... rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me truth" (Supertramp).

Into the Wild Movie Trailler 

Other authors have different responses to this globalized world. Pico Iyer, states the following:
"A leader such as Václav Havel always takes pains to stress that the main term to be qualified by 'global' should be 'responsibility' and that in a world in which everyone's problems are everyone else's, a new sense of community must be formed on the basis of something deeper that soil and higher than interest rates. If our 'One World' dreams are not to devolve into One Nation parties" (Iyer).
As related above, in order to live in a global society people need to be responsible enough to start caring about each other's actions and thoughts, since we can state that we are living in a one single nation, not divided among countries. In addition, we are all one race and should treat each other with the same respect.

Similarly to Alex's view of life and achieving peace within himself, Gary Snyder, altough being a Buddhist, says that practicing meditation is necessary for 'liberation': 
"Altough Mahayana Buddhism has a grand vision of universal salvation, the actual achievement of Buddhism has been the development of practical systems of meditation toward the end of liberating a few dedicated individuals from psychological hang- ups and cultural conditionings" (Snyder).
In addition, Snyder exclaims that peace will be achieved through wisdom, meditation and morality - people need to follow the 'correct pathway'.

Other authors, such as Kwame Appiah, focus on the negative aspects of globalization and how people, even though being interconnected, still fight and discuss upon matters. He then relates to how it is a fight between the same values and not different values, eventually concluding the following:
"Conversation doesn't have to lead to consensus about anything, especially not values; it's enough that it helps people get used to one another" (Appiah).
Although a globalized society should bring people together, one needs to understand the others in order to life peacefully and in this world full of economic and political competition.

Altough there are different responses to this globalized society, we are living in this new status quo full of different means and technology. With this in mind, being able to live happily is the key to a successful life and how one should live depends and varies from person to person. However, many of the times, in order to live peacefully, people have to find their respective Tokyo's, just like in the movie Lost in Translation.

What is your Tokyo?

Many times, I picture myself getting rid of everyone who is acting like "a rock on my pathway". There are times when the rocks are my friends and others when the rock is one of my parents or siblings. Other times you just wished you were not there and just disappeared. During those moments, my Tokyo would, in contrary to Alex Supertramp's Tokyo, would be in New York City; sitting in Time Square watching all those people coming by and going away... This is one of the best feeling for me, watching everyone care about their lives and jobs and just let them walk away. This feeling also runs through my skin giving me goosebumps in airports: the only in and out doorway for other parts of the world. I find that extremely fascinating...! I tend to feel much more comfortable around people, rather than alone.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Genocide - What will I do to prevent it?

What is genocide? According to what standards?

According to the resolution passed in the General Assembly, on December 1946, which declared genocide to be a crime under international law, a genocide consists of the "denial of the right of existence of entire human groups. As homicide it is the denial of the right to live of individual human being; such denial of the right of existence shocks the conscience of mankind, results in great losses to humaniry in the form of cultural and other contributions represented by these human groups, and is contrary to moral law and to the spirit and aims of the United Nations" (Resolution 96 I). 

Then, on December 1948, the Convention on the Prevention and the Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted by the UN and it extended the above definition, defining, then, genocide as:

"(...) any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or relifious group, as such:  
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group condition of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposting measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."

As seen, the term genocide is defined as any violent act with the intent of destroying a group, no matter for which purpose. Why then do nations and ethnic groups commit such actions? Do they believe they are superior to that race? Is it only for a nationalistic purpose? The sense that one's nationality is superior to another - hubris?

A genocide could occur any time, if you stop and think. The following is a picture of the known "Pyramid of Hate", which suggests that any "simple action and seemingly harmless statement can evolve into prejudice, discrimination and even systematic violence" (William, Tolley). This includes an industrial genocide (Holocaust) as well as one conducted by the usage of machetes (Cambodian Genocide).

Now the question that really matters... What will you do about this? Will you be a bystander or will you take action?

Before answering the question, a background knowledge would be appropriate. We, the 2015 Class, were discussing future genocides and some example of those. Some answers were among Iraq, the Korean Peninsula and mine: Palestine. I said Palestine, since this was a topic discussed in BRAMUN 2013 in the Security Council. Because Palestine is not today a formal state, if that takes place, I believe a genocide will occur, specially since the Palestinians would want their land back, including in the Gaza Strip. Settlers there, then woud eventually rebel and conduct a genocide, in my opinion; not trying to be pessimistic. However, not a single student viewed the world in an optimistic manner and said that there would no longer be any future genocides. Why is that? In my opinion, the world is in a period brought by technology and innovations, but these only spice the competition among nations and each sense of pride upon one's nationality. That is one of the biggest reasons, I believe, genocides will eventually occur; maybe not using machetes, but industrialy.

How will I prevent this? Is there a way of preventing it? Personally, not wanting to sound that pessimistic, the only way to stop a genocide involves the aid or help of P5 countries in the Security Council, since they are the countries that have the power and can "decide" if a resolution passes or not. With that in mind, nothing can be done, regarding a single individual, can it? A single individual will not drastically impact or help another nation or ethinic group, since we are talking about millions of citizens. I know this was not the answer you wanted, but I believe that that is the reality; theoretically I would love to help anyone and end with the world hunger, for instance; however is that viable? I do not think so. 

Bystanding: "a person who is present at an event without participating in it" (

Am I bystanding? I am bystanding, in a way; however there is not way to stop the genocide. I can raise awareness, but I will never end a genocide alone... What if I got on a plane now with other 25 people? Would I make a difference? Probably not, since the genocide will not be prevented. Maybe I will help creating a house, but not stop a genocide.

But I am supposed to just sit on my butt and not even help bring awareness... No!... People should bring awareness and try to incentivize their government to do something. Help will only be sent if someone takes the iniciative. Everything starts with one person and a first follower. Take a look at this inspirational video:

Here is an interesting site regarding the genocide's that are occuring around the world (many people are not aware of them, including me- I did not know of these occuring genocides):

Website link:

Youtube video:

Some final remarks. Is it that I cannot do anything to prevent the genocide simply due to the effect of globalization and a capitalist society? Why do some nations do not care at all if a million of Tutsi are killed? The United States and other European countries did not care at all, because it did not involve one's country and national identity. If the genocide involved the spreading of communist ideals, then the US would definetly try to prevent it, due to the Domino effect. Therefore, we can conclude that nations and societies are hubris and only care about the others it the issue involves them.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Creating a Personal Learning Network (PLN)

Before anything else, you might be asking yourself... What exactly is a PLN? And what is the connection as well as purpose of the poem above? Well, let's begin taking a first step.... 

A PLN is "a great way for educator to get connected with learning opportunities, access professional development resources, and to build camaraderie with other education professionals"; or in other words, it is an organized way of classifying hobbies and activities one loves and make those academic. This "page" of one's development to success, helps people, who are still not sure of what wanting in college, have an idea of what makes them happy and keep moving in life - what incentivize them. Even though the choosing part is a section quite hard, when chosen one gets inspired and create a presentation for that subject or activity that one loves, just like in the picture above.

For example, I choose four activities and subjects that I really have passion for: 
  1. Soccer
  2. Psychology
  3. Music
  4. Photography
In each of them, I created an online page within my ePortfolio and presented personal and well as exterior perspectives and experiences of that such event; although for each one of them, I used different tools, since each of the areas inspired me differently. In addition, I made those that apparently don't seem academic, as one.

The greatest feeling in the world is when your on that soccer field, and you know that your team is going to succeed because you look around and see your 10 best friends playing beside you. 

I used this quote to express the emotions felt in a soccer field, showing how soccer is my passion. This page (Soccer) in specific was one of the most value for me, since it inspired me, after looking at the diverge experiences I went through. It was that something that marked your life. In order to express that emotions, I used many tools such as, videos, and pictures, as well as the creation of a stop motion.

The other sections were super well- constructed as well, since they were topics, agains, that I had passion for... This directly relates to the Psychology page, since my teacher and I have been discussing for days the following specific topic: Do citizens have free will? I then, site analogies made by Sam Harris, a well known atheist, and Jawaharlal Nehru.

Some other passions, include playing the piano (Music page) and taking pictures (Photography page) and they each were shown differently through the ePortfolio.

Using tools, activities people have an approach on, and one's environment, will make one's pathway clearer and engage learning, even though those activities do not seem academic at first glance.


Check this YouTube video for some tips, when starting to brainstorm a PLN:

Friday, April 5, 2013

Creating Own Future

As Abraham Lincoln once said, "The best way to predict the future is to create it".

Analyzing one's inspirations as well as career pathways is a challenge. This might related to the number of options and areas one can possibly choose. Choosing. Were the challenge begins. Although being aware that one's Major subject in college does not necessary relate to one's job that same person might succeed in, just the talk and the mentioning of the words "college" and "IB" gives me chills and goosebumps. But now is the time. The time to begin creating that road ahead of me. But then, the doubts:

Will I be successful? Will I be able to choose that respective area that I am most interested? Will I be happy with my chosen IB Courses?

But then again, the hard work:

Success will only be reached through hard work.

Facing the actions and coming out of the "rough street" through the creation of objectives, will be the key to one's success. That is why the Academic Leadership course has offered a 10- day Career Orientation Class, conducted by Vanessa Benaci. This class will supervise and guide my decision in an organized manner; or in other words, guide my through the process of creation.

Vanessa Benaci, with that objective in mind (orientation), has been providing the 10th Grade class some guidance and tips. Because I am interested in choosing my IB Courses although still confused, attention was given to the maximum; intrigued from the start. While she talked about one's education and career, referring to the graduating seniors, I pictured myself graduating from ISC. I pictured myself walking around in a college campus, while carrying my books and computer going to class. I could see all of that. I could picture the situation. Everything. As if it were happening in that moment. "Oh... (long and deep sight)"; that utopian dream- like vision. Could and would it be eventually real?

As Mrs. Benaci continued with her lectures, she handed out the first activity, which related to the following:

If you could live 5 lives at the same moment, what would they be?

And no, they were not directly related to one another. It was a process composed of writing down the emotions I felt that exact moment.

As days passed by, other tests were accomplished, so that student's had a broad idea of what area they liked the most. Like is not the most appropriate diction, but it is one that perfectly describes my situation:  due to my liking of all subjects, confusion begins to arise, in relations to my career goals. My History teacher would always say that I was going to accomplish something related to the Humanities or the Educational Area - i.e. college professor. However, I always denied it. I denied it, because my parents had always been influencing me to become an engineer, since I worked well with numbers and Math; but was I really going to work with numbers my entire life? 

In order to clean most of the confusion in my mind, Mrs. Benaci gave us approximately three to four tests that would reflect what areas and careers interested each individual. The tests were based on two theories: My Holland Code and Myers-Briggs Typology theories. Both reflected one’s personality, values and skills. What I really enjoyed about these tests was that they were not bias, since I did not really understand the meaning of the results – the letters.

These were my results:

Both test gave me the same results... Could that be destiny?

What had freaked my out the most was that my History teacher was correct... How could that be possible?

Here are some careers that valued my skills and personality:

  1. Teacher 
  2. Social worker 
  3. Politician/ Diplomat 
  4. Psychologist

I was happy; now I had a common sense and idea of what I was really dealing with and the possible career pathways based on my values, skills and personality. 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Response to Seattle Boycott

Tests are important and play a huge role in ones pathway to success; however, its excess and not appropriate use, as, for instance, the implementation of the MAP Test- an exam that does not have a formal "grading structure" and only serve as a base for teachers to evaluate students upon ones' learning in many International schools as well as Americans- can be of no use and a sharp rock on ones' pavement.

As students rush through the test and compete with one another to try to finish the computer-based exam first, insipid and not expected grades reach teachers and give out some frustration. Why are schools implementing a test that is not valuing a student's learning profile? What is exactly the point of maintaining an exam like that? I look out for teachers in schools, such as the three in Seattle, who have drawn a line and refused to give out their students this test in particular; schools that do not stay quiet and raise their voices to discuss and to try to abolish this flawed test. Flawed not only due to the fact that these tests overhaul the financial section behind the computer screen, but also due to how this test does not reflect a student's learning profile and, instead, a teacher's success. In addition, the financial support the district is receiving by each school's participation is an absurd. The real factor taken in consideration is the deliverance of these tests and obviously, the final reward: money; but were do the students come in?

As the Seattle teachers exclaimed. "Our kids will need both traditional academic abilities and innovative critical-thinking skills to solve these real problems. If we inundate our students with standardized testing year-round, these larger lessons are lost."

Here is a video showing the Seattle teachers' refusal to administer the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)  on a rally Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013:

"More importantly, however, students are not benefiting from these tests. In fact, they [tests] are hurting many of our students, and our most fragile populations; as well as those students who nee more class time and not less class time."

"Our destination is a destination of creativity; our destination is a destination of critical thinking."

Why not create and Academic Portfolio which shows all the achievements made by each individual? The majority of the teachers tend to use tests as a form of evaluation - assessing student's knowledge. However, the inputs of unnecessary and "inappropriate" tests are only for worse, since no attention is given for its completion at all - students rush and do not even read the question, as related before. Because undergraduates and learners are loaded with tests, I believe the best way to "prevent these situations" [the implementation of unnecessary exams] is by offering a new source of assessing one's growth: the creation of Academic Portfolios. Students will then be part of the deal.

"It is important to use test results, but it's also important that they not become your oxygen." (HUNTER, Pat)